Friday, March 4, 2011

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Be Proactive, Personal Vision

Habit 1:
Proactivity means that, as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions.
There are three central values in life: the experiential (that which happens to us), thecreative (that which we bring into existence), and the attitudinal (our response to difficult circumstances). What matters most is how we respond to what we experience in life.
Proactivity is grounded in facing reality but also understanding we have the power to choose a positive response to our circumstances.
We need to understand how we focus our time and energy to be effective. The things we are concerned about could be described as our "Circle of Concern". There are things we can really do something about, that can be described as our "Circle of Influence". When we focus our time and energy in our Circle of Concern, but outside our Circle of Influence, we are not being effective. However, we find that being proactive helps us expand our Circle of Influence. (Work on things you can do something about.)
Reactive people focus their efforts on the Circle of Concern, over things they can't control. Their negative energy causes their Circle of Influence to shrink.
Sometimes we make choices with negative consequences, called mistakes. We can't recall or undo past mistakes. The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it instantly, correct and learn from it. Success is the far side of failure.
At the heart of our Circle of Influence is our ability to make and keep commitments and promises. Our integrity in keeping commitments and the ability to make commitments are the clearest manifestations of proactivity.

Begin With The End In Mind, Personal Leadership

Habit 2:
There are three major aspects of our personal and business management. First is leadership what
do I/we want to accomplish? Second is management how can I best accomplish it? Third is productivity doing it. According to Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis, "Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things."
A starting point in beginning with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement, philosophy or credo. It will help you focus on what you want to be (character), do (contributions and achievements) and on the values and principles upon which your being and doing are based. The personal mission statement gives us a changeless core from which we can deal with external change.
The principles we base our lives on should be deep, fundamental truths, classic truths, or generic common denominators. They will become tightly interwoven themes running with exactness, consistency, beauty and strength through the fabric of our lives.
In developing your personal mission statement, you can use your creative ability to imagine life milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries, retirement and funerals. What accomplishments would you like to celebrate? Visualize them in rich detail.

Put First Things First Principlesof Personal Management

Habit 3:
“Habit 1  I am the Programmer.
Habit  2  Write the Program.
Habit  3  Execute the Program.”
Habit 3 is Personal Management, the exercise of independent will to create a life congruent with your values, goals and mission.
Time management is an essential skill for personal management. The essence of time management is to organize and execute around priorities. Methods of time management have developed in these stages: 1) notes and checklists recognizing multiple demands on our time; 2) calendars and appointment books scheduling events and activities; 3) prioritizing, clarifying values integrating our daily planning with goal setting (The downside of this approach is increasing efficiency can reduce the spontaneity and relationships of life.); 4) managing ourselves rather than managing time focusing in preserving and enhancing relationships and accomplishing results, thus maintaining the P/PC balance (production versus building production capacity).
A matrix can be made of the characteristics of activities, classifying them as urgent or not urgent, important or not important.
Quadrant I activities are urgent and important called problems or crises.
Focusing on Quadrant I results in it getting bigger and bigger until it dominates you.
Quadrant III activities are urgent and not important, and often misclassified as Quadrant I.
Quadrant IV is the escape Quadrant activities that are not urgent and not important.
Effective people stay out of Quadrants III and IV because they aren't important. They shrink Quadrant I down to size by spending more time in Quadrant II.
Quadrant II activities are important, but not urgent. Working on this Quadrant is the heart of personal time management. These are PC activities.
Quadrant II activities are high impact activities that when done regularly would make a tremendous difference in your life. (Including implementing the Seven Habits.)
Initially, the time for Quadrant II activities must come from Quadrants III and IV.
Quadrant I can't be ignored, but should eventually shrink with attention to Quadrant II.
1) Prioritize
2) Organize Around Priorities
3) Discipline yourself
A critical skill for personal management is delegation. Effectively delegating to others is perhaps the single most powerful highleverage activity there is. Delegation enables you to devote your energies to highlevel activities in addition to enabling personal growth for individuals and organizations.
There are two types of delegation: Gofer Delegation and Supervision of Efforts (Stewardship).
Using Gofer Delegation requires dictating not only what to do, but how to do it. The
supervisor then must function as a "boss," micromanaging the progress of the "subordinate."
More effective managers use Stewardship Delegation, which focuses on results instead of methods. People are able to choose the method to achieve the results. It takes more time up front, but has greater benefits. Stewardship Delegation requires a clear, upfront mutual understanding of and commitment to expectations in five areas:
1. Desired Results Have the person see it, describe it, make a quality statement of what the results will look like and by when they will be accomplished.
2. Guidelines Identify the parameters within which the individual should operate, and what potential "failure paths" might be. Keep the responsibility for results with the person delegated to.
3. Resources Identify the resources available to accomplish the required results.
4. Accountability Set standards of performance to be used in evaluating the results and specific times when reporting and evaluation will take place.
5. Consequences Specify what will happen as a result of the evaluation, including psychic or financial rewards and penalties.
Immature people can handle fewer results and need more guidelines and more accountability interviews. Mature people can handle more challenging desired results with fewer guidelines and accountability interviews.
"Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be."
Paradigms of Interdependence The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or do, but who we are.
In order to receive the benefits of interdependence, we need to create and care for the relationships that are the source of the benefits.
The Emotional Bank Account describes how trust is built on a relationship. Positive behaviors are deposits building a reserve. Negative behaviors are withdrawals. A high reserve balance results in higher tolerance for our mistakes and more open communication.
There are six major deposits we can make to the emotional bank account:
1. Understanding the individual. An individual's values determine what actions will result in a deposit or a withdrawal for that individual. To build a relationship, you must learn what is important to the other person and make it as important to you as the other person is to you. Understand others deeply as individuals and then treat them in terms of that understanding.
2. Attend to the little things, which are the big things in relationships.
3. Keep commitments. Breaking a promise is a major withdrawal.
4. Clarify expectations. The cause of almost all relationship difficulties is rooted in ambiguous, conflicting expectations around roles and goals. Making an investment of time and effort up front saves time, effort and a major withdrawal later.
5. Show personal integrity. A lack of integrity can undermine almost any effort to create a high trust reserve. Honesty requires conforming our words to reality.
Integrity requires conforming reality to our words, keeping promises and fulfilling expectations. The key to the many is the one, especially the one that tests the patience and good humor of the many. How you treat the one reveals how you regard the many, because everyone is ultimately a one.
6. Apologize sincerely when you make a withdrawal. Sincere apologies are deposits, but repeated apologies are interpreted as insincere, resulting in withdrawals.

Think WinWin

Habit 4:
1. Win/Win People can seek mutual benefit in all human interactions. Principlebased behavior.
2. Win/Lose The competitive paradigm: if I win, you lose. The leadership style is authoritarian. In relationships, if both people aren't winning, both are losing.
3. Lose/Win The "Doormat" paradigm. The individual seeks strength from popularity based on acceptance. The leadership style is permissiveness.
4. Lose/Lose When people become obsessed with making the other person lose, even at their own expense.
5. Win Focusing solely on getting what one wants, regardless of the needs of others.
6. Win/Win or No Deal If we can't find a mutually beneficial solution, we agree to disagree agreeably no
deal. This approach is most realistic at the beginning of a business relationship or enterprise. In a continuing relationship, it's no longer an option.
When relationships are paramount, Win/Win is the only viable alternative. In a competitive situation where building a relationship isn't important, Win/Lose may be appropriate. There are five dimensions of the Win/Win model: Character, Relationships,Agreements, Supportive Systems and Processes.
1. Character is the foundation of Win/Win. There must be integrity in order to establish trust in the relationship and to define a win in terms of personal values.
2. Relationships are the focus on Win/Win. Whatever the orientation of the person you are dealing with (Win/Lose, etc.), the relationship is the key to turning the situation around.
3. Performance agreements give definition and direction to Win/Win. They shift the paradigm of production from vertical (Superior Subordinate) to horizontal (Partnership/Team). The agreement should include elements to create a standard by which people can measure their own success.
Win/Win is one of six total philosophies of human interaction.
Defined results (not methods) what is to be done and when.
Guidelines the parameters within which the results should be accomplished
Resources human,financial, technical or organizational support available to accomplish the results.
Accountability the standards of performance and time(s) of evaluation.
4. The Reward System is a key element in the Win/Win model. Talking Win/Win but rewarding Win/Lose results in negating the Win/Win paradigm. If the outstanding performance of a few is rewarded, the other team members will be losers. Instead, develop individual achievable goals and team objectives to be rewarded.
Competition has its place against market competitors, last year's performance, or another location or individual where cooperation and interdependence aren't required, but cooperation in the workplace is as important to free enterprise as competition in the marketplace. The spirit of Win/Win cannot survive in an environment of competition or contests. All of the company's systems should be based on the principle of Win/Win. The Compensation system of the managers should be based on the productivity and development of their people. The Win/Win process has four steps.
1. See the problem from the other point of view, in terms of the needs and concerns of the other party.
2. Identify the key issues and concerns (not positions) involved.
3. Determine what results would make a fully acceptable solution.
4. Identify new options to achieve those results.

Consequences what will happen as a result of the evaluation.
Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood

Habit 5:
We often prescribe before making a proper diagnosis when communicating. We should first take the time to deeply understand the problems presented to us.
Skills of empathic listening must be built on a character that inspires openness and trust and high emotional bank accounts.
Empathic Listening
When another person is speaking, we usually "listen" at one of four levels: ignoring,pretending, selective listening, or attentive listening. We should be using the fifth, highest form of listening empathic listening.
Empathic listening is listening with intent to understand the other person's frame of reference and feelings. You must listen with your ears, your eyes and your heart.
Diagnose Before You Prescribe
An effective salesperson seeks to understand the needs, concerns and situation of the customer. An amateur sells products, the professional sells solutions.
Empathic listening takes time, but not as much time as backing up and correcting misunderstandings, including living with problems and the results of not giving the people you care about psychological air.
Habit 5 is powerful because it focuses on your circle of influence. It's an inside out approach. You are focusing on building your understanding. You become influenceable,which is the key to influencing others. As you appreciate people more, they will appreciate you more.

Principles of Creative Cooperation

Habit 6:
Synergy means the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
The essence of synergy is to value differences to respect them, to build on strengths, and to compensate for weaknesses. Synergistic communication is opening your mind and heart to new possibilities. It may seem like you are casting aside "beginning with the end in mind," but you are actually fulfilling it by clarifying your goals and discovering better ones.
By taking the time to really build a team, creating a high emotional bank account, the group can become very closely knit. The respect among members can become so high that if there is a disagreement, there can be a genuine effort to understand.
High trust leads to high cooperation and communication. The progression of communication is defensive (win or lose/win), to respectful (compromise), to synergistic (win/win).
By synergistically creating a mission statement, it becomes engraved in the hearts and minds of the participants. The problem is that highly dependent people are trying to succeed in an interdependent reality. They may talk win/win technique, but they want to manipulate others. These insecure people need to mold others to their way of thinking.
The person who is truly effective has the humility and reverence to recognize his own perceptual limitations and to appreciate the rich resources available through interaction with the hearts and minds of other human beings.

Principles of Balanced SelfRenewal

Habit 7:
Habit 7 is taking the time to sharpen the saw. You must work proactively (Quadrant II) to renew the four dimensions of your nature physical, spiritual, mental and social/economic.
The Physical Dimension
The physical dimension involves caring for your physical body eating the right foods,getting enough rest and relaxation, and exercising on a regular basis.
The Spiritual Dimension
The spiritual dimension is your center, your commitment to your value system. It draws upon the sources that inspire and uplift you and tie you to timeless truths of humanity.
The Mental Dimension
It's important keep your mind sharp by reading, writing, organizing and planning. Read broadly and expose yourself to great minds.
The Social/Emotional Dimension,Our emotional life is primarily developed out of and manifested in our relationships with others. Renewing our social/emotional dimension requires focus and exercise in our
interaction with others.
Selfrenewal must include balanced renewal in all four dimensionsphysical,spiritual,mental and social/emotional. Neglecting any one area negatively impacts the rest.

The 7 Habits...and what they'll do to help your group (Summary)
courage to take risks and accept new challenges to achieve goals
Be Proactive Fosters
Begin with the End in Mind Brings projects to completion and unites teams and organizations under a shared vision, mission, and purpose
Put First Things First Promotes getting the most important things done first and encourages direct effectiveness
Think WinWin Encourages conflict resolution and helps individuals seek mutual benefit, increasing group momentum
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Helps people understand problems, resulting in targeted solutions; and promotes better communications,leading to successful problemsolving
and subsequent nonproductivity
Synergize Ensures greater "buyin" from team members and leverages the diversity of individuals to increase levels of success · Sharpen the Saw Promotes continuous improvements and safeguards against "burnout"

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Pakistan’s ‘image deficit’

The adversaries of Pervez Musharraf need to chill out and seriouslythink what was soooooo wrong with Pervez Musharraf that we areprepared to grin and bear and bare all this going on in the Land ofthe Pure:
US State Department spokesman has said, "We will not toleratecorruption. The assistance that we are providing is for the people ofPakistan. We want to see this assistance get directly to the peopleof Pakistan".
Elizabeth Byrs, a spokesperson for UN Office for Coordination ofHumanitarian Affairs has said that Pakistan's 'image deficit' ishindering raising of aid for flood affectees inPakistan.
The Virginia Office of Consumer Affairs has issued this advisory to donors:Do NOT donate your money to any Pakistani President, PrimeMinister, General, Governor, Chief Minister, Minister, Senator, MNA,MPA, politician, political party, government official, bureaucrat,ambassador, diplomat, Embassy of Pakistan, federal, provincial orlocal governments of Pakistan, or their charities, groups,associations, organizations; earthquake, drought or flood relieffunds; or agents, etc., because almost all of them are crooks - - -.The above fears are more than justified in view of the two parallelgovernments being run most lavishly on aid from donors. One under theprime minister and a bigger one under the president. I may have got itwrong that the daily expenses of the president house are 11 lakhrupees.
Not to mention hotel suites for pounds sterling 7,000 per night X howmany nights? The nation would really like to know how much Zardari has stolen from the kittyfor his private cum official trip. Who was it who said that RichardHolbrooke spends more time in Pakistan than the president of Pakistan.In developing countries money is borrowed for purposes of developmentso that the developed projects can start paying back the debt. Tarbeladam is paying back its full construction cost every year. Mangla damis paying back twice its full construction cost every year. Most ofthe foreign funding in the early eighties was for consultancy fees forKalabagh dam and expenditure on the infrastructure at the site.
But Pakistan has shed off even the pretense of being in the ranks ofdeveloping countries. It has unashamedly joined the ranks ofunderdeveloped countries (due to its populist policies). Of course,the floods will help, now every missed financial target can be chargedto the floods. The ministers and their boss cango on living happily ever after.
Dr Yaqoob Bhatti in his letter to the Nation today has given a novelsuggestion. Change only one crook to set at rest the qualms of thedonors. He has said, PPP should change its president in aid of theflood relief victims.

Energy Crises in Pakistan: EXPOSED

Energy crises in Pakistan .
1). Hydral
2). Thermal (Gas/Steam/Furnace Oil)
3). Nuclear
There are four major power producers in country which include Water & Power Development Authority (WAPDA), Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC),
Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC).
Below is the break-up of the installed capacity of each of these power producers (as of June-2008).
 WAPDA Hydal                                                      
Location District Province Power Generation MW
Terbela Haripur Hazara Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 3478
Mangla Mirpur Azad Kashmir 1000
Ghazi-Brotha Haripur Hazara Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1450
Warsak Mohmand Agency Mohmand Agency 243
Chashma Mianwali Punjab 184
Dargai Malakand Agency Malakand Agency 20
Rasul Mandi Bahauddin Punjab 22
Shadi-Waal Gujrat Punjab 18
NandiPur Gujranwala Punjab 14
Kurram Garhi Banu Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 4
Renala Okara Punjab 1
Chitral Chitral Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1
Jagran (AK) Muzaffar Abad Azad Kashmir 30
Total Hydal 6465

WAPDA Thermal

Location            District   Province    Power Generation MW
Gas Turbine Power Station, Shadra Rawalpindi Punjab 59
Steam Power Station,                      Faisalabad Punjab 132
Gas Turbine Power Station,             Faisalabad Punjab 244
Gas Power Station, Multan              Multan Punjab 195
Thermal Power Station,                   Muzaffar Garh Punjab 1350
Thermal Power Station, Guddu             Kashmor Sindh 1655
Gas Turbine Power Station, Kotri         Jamshoro Sindh 174
Thermal Power Station, Jamshoro       Janshoro Sindh 850
Thermal Power Station, Larkana          Larkana Sindh 150
Thermal Power Station, Quetta           Quetta Baluchistan 35
Gas Turbine Power Station, Panjgur    Pajngur Baluchistan 39
Thermal Power Station, Pasni              Gwadar Baluchistan 17
Total Thermal 4900

WAPDA's Total Hydal + Thermal capacity is 11365

2.Karachi Electric Supply Company
Location           District       Province     Power Generation MW
Thermal Power Station, Korengi           Karachi Sindh 316
Gas Turbine Power Station, Korengi     Karachi Sindh 80
Gas Turbine Power Station, SITE         Karachi Sindh 100
Thermal Power Station, Bin Qasim       Karachi Sindh 1260
Total (KESC)                                                              1756

3.Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
Location          District           Province           Power Generation MW
Hub Power Project Lasbela                           Baluchistan 1292
AES Lalpir Ltd, Mahmood Kot                        Muzaffar Garh Punjab 362
AES Pak Gen, Mahmood Kot MuzaffarGarh  Muzaffar Garh Punjab 365
Altern Energy Ltd, Attock                            Attock Punjab 29
Fauji KabirWala Power Company,Khanewal Khanewal Punjab 157
Gul Ahmad Energy Ltd, Korengi                   Karachi Sindh 136
Habibullah Coastal Power Ltd                      Quetta Baluchistan 140
Japan Power Generation, Lahore                Lahore Punjab 120
Koh-e-Noor Energy Ltd, Lahore                   Lahore Punjab 131
Liberty Power Limited, Ghotki                      Ghotki Sindh 232
Rousch Power, Khaniwal                             Khaniwal Punjab 412
Saba Power Company, Sheikhpura             Sheikhpura Punjab 114
Southern Electric Power Company Ltd,       Raiwind Punjab 135
Tapal Energy Limited, Karachi                      Karachi Sindh 126
Uch Power Ltd, Dera Murad Jamali,            Nasirabad Baluchistan 586
Attock Gen Ltd, Morgah Rawalpindi            Rawalpindi Punjab 165
Atlas Power, Sheikhpura                            Sheikhpura Punjab 225
Engro Energy Ltd, Karachi                          Karachi Sindh 0
Kot Addu Power Company Limited             Muzaffar Garh Punjab 1638
Total  (IPPs)                                                           6365

4.Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
Location              District           Province             Power Generation MW
KANUPP(Karachi Nuclear Power Plant)                Karachi Sindh 137
CHASNUPP-1(Chashma Nuclear Power Plant-1) Mianwali Punjab 325
Total (Nuclear)                                                                462

Hydal Electricity generated by WAPDA varies between two extremities i.e. between minimum of 2414 MW and maximum of 6465 MW depending upon the river flow through the whole year.
Total Power Generation Capacity of Pakistan (including all sources) is 19948 MW and the electricity demand (as of today 20-04-2010) is 14500 MW and PEPCO is merely generating 10000 MW.
So it is obvious that these 15-20 hrs power shutdowns in most parts of the country are not because of the lack of generation capacity but only because of IMF / World Bank policies imposed on our nation by Govt.
The Power Generation companies are not buying Furnace Oil from PSO by saying they don’t have money to do that but we are all paying for Electricity that is generated from Furnace Oil. This is the reason that top refineries like PRL are operating at 40% capacities. IMF / World bank has imposed to reduce budget deficit by importing less crude oil. But due to this fact all our industries are under severe crisis. None of our political party who are in Assembly is ready to speak on it because every one is blessed by US / IMF / World Bank.

Dear Pakistani’s,
This is a time to show your social activism your power and strength. It is your silence which is deafening and your couldn’t care less attitude which makes the people in power more powerful evasive and secure in their Air conditioned offices.
Electricity now is @12 Rs. per unit, and it will increase after every two months as directed by (American) IMF policies.
Also CHINA offers to Pakistan Electricity for just Rs.300 Monthly Bill and Unlimited Usage of Electricity but our government is not taking the offer seriously. This is because there will be neither kick backs nor any commissions to be pocketed by the strong mafia of politicians and bureaucrats.
These people are there because of your votes. Let them serve you rather than rule you……

The 100 Personalities

Rank Name Religious Affiliation Influence

1 Muhammad Islam Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia; Hart recognized that ranking Muhammad first might be controversial, but felt that, from a secular historian's perspective, this was the correct choice because Muhammad is the only man to have been both a founder of a major world religion and a major military/political leader.


2 Isaac Newton Anglican (rejected Trinitarianism, i.e.,Athanasianism; believed in the Arianismof the Primitive Church)physicist; theory of universal gravitation; laws of motion

3 Jesus Christ *Judaism; Christianity founder of Christianity

4 Buddha Hinduism; Buddhism founder of Buddhism5 Confucius Confucianism founder of Confucianism
6 St. Paul Judaism; Christianity proselytizer of Christianity
7 Ts'ai Lun Chinese traditional religion inventor of paper
8 Johann Gutenberg Catholic developed movable type; printed Bibles
9 Christopher Columbus Catholic explorer; led Europe to Americas
10 Albert Einstein Jewishphysicist; relativity; Einsteinian physics
11 Louis Pasteur Catholic scientist; pasteurization
12 Galileo Galilei Catholicastronomer; accurately described heliocentric solar system
13 Aristotle Platonism / Greek philosophyinfluential Greek philosopher
14 Euclid Platonism / Greek philosophy mathematician; Euclidian geometry
15 Moses Judaism major prophet of Judaism
16 Charles Darwin Anglican (nominal); Unitarianbiologist; described Darwinian evolution, which had theological impact on many religions
17 Shih Huang Ti Chinese traditional religion Chinese emperor
18 Augustus Caesar Roman state paganism ruler
19 Nicolaus Copernicus Catholic (priest)astronomer; taught heliocentricity
20 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Catholicfather of modern chemistry; philosopher; economist
21 Constantine the Great Roman state paganism; Christianity Roman emperor who completely legalized Christianity, leading to its status as state religion. Convened the First Council of Nicaea that produced the Nicene Creed, which rejected Arianism (one of two major strains of Christian thought) and established Athanasianism (Trinitarianism, the other strain) as "official doctrine."
22 James Watt Presbyterian (lapsed)developed steam engine
23 Michael Faraday Sandemanianphysicist; chemist; discovery of magneto-electricity
24 James Clerk Maxwell Presbyterian; Anglican; Baptistphysicist; electromagnetic spectrum
25 Martin Luther Catholic; Lutheran founder of Protestantism and Lutheranism
26 George Washington Episcopalianfirst president of United States
27 Karl Marx Jewish; Lutheran;Atheist; Marxism/Communismfounder of Marxism, Marxist Communism
28 Orville and Wilbur Wright United Brethreninventors of airplane
29 Genghis Khan Mongolian shamanism Mongol conqueror
30 Adam Smith Liberal Protestant economist; philosopher; expositor of capitalism; author: The Theory of Moral Sentiments
31 Edward de Verea.k.a. William Shakespeare Catholic; Anglicanliterature; also wrote 6 volumes about philosophy and religion
32 John Dalton Quakerchemist; physicist; atomic theory; law of partial pressures (Dalton's law)
33 Alexander the Great Greek state paganism conqueror
34 Napoleon Bonaparte Catholic (nominal)French conqueror
35 Thomas Edison Congregationalist; agnosticinventor of light bulb, phonograph, etc.
36 Antony van Leeuwenhoek Dutch Reformedmicroscopes; studied microscopic life
37 William T.G. Morton ?? pioneer in anesthesiology
38 Guglielmo Marconi Catholic and Anglicaninventor of radio
39 Adolf Hitler Nazism; born/raised in, but rejected Catholicismconqueror; led Axis Powers in WWII
40 Plato Platonism / Greek philosophyfounder of Platonism
41 Oliver Cromwell Puritan (Protestant) British political and military leader
42 Alexander Graham Bell Unitarian/Universalist inventor of telephone *

43 Alexander Fleming Catholic penicillin; advances in bacteriology, immunology and chemotherapy
44 John Locke raised Puritan (Anglican);Liberal Christianphilosopher and liberal theologian
45 Ludwig van Beethoven Catholiccomposer
46 Werner Heisenberg Lutherana founder of quantum mechanics; discovered principle of uncertainty; head of Nazi Germany's nuclear program.
47 Louis Daguerre ?? an inventor/pioneer of photography
48 Simon Bolivar Catholic (nominal); AtheistNational hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia
49 Rene Descartes CatholicRationalist philosopher and mathematician
50 Michelangelo Catholicpainter; sculptor; architect
51 Pope Urban II Catholic called for First Crusade
52 'Umar ibn al-Khattab Islam Second Caliph; expanded Muslim empire
53 Asoka Buddhism king of India who converted to and spread Buddhism
54 St. Augustine Greek state paganism; Manicheanism; CatholicEarly Christian theologian
55 William Harvey Anglican (nominal)described the circulation of blood; wrote Essays on the Generation of Animals, the basis for modern embryology
56 Ernest Rutherford ?? physicist; pioneer of subatomic physics
57 John Calvin Protestant; Calvinism Protestant reformer; founder of Calvinism
58 Gregor Mendel Catholic (Augustinian monk)Mendelian genetics
59 Max Planck Protestantphysicist; thermodynamics
60 Joseph Lister Quaker principal discoverer of antiseptics which greatly reduced surgical mortality
61 Nikolaus August Otto ?? built first four-stroke internal combustion engine
62 Francisco Pizarro Catholic Spanish conqueror in South America; defeated Incas
63 Hernando Cortes Catholic conquered Mexico for Spain; through war and introduction of new diseases he largely destroyed Aztec civilization
64 Thomas Jefferson Episcopalian; Deist3rd president of United States
65 Queen Isabella I Catholic Spanish ruler
66 Joseph Stalin Russian Orthodox; Atheist; Marxismrevolutionary and ruler of USSR
67 Julius Caesar Roman state paganism Roman emperor
68 William the Conqueror Catholic laid foundation of modern England
69 Sigmund Freud Jewish; atheist; Freudian psychology/psychoanalysisfounded Freudian school of psychology/psychoanalysis (i.e., the "religion of Freudianism")
70 Edward Jenner Anglicandiscoverer of the vaccination for smallpox
71 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen ?? discovered X-rays
72 Johann Sebastian Bach Lutheran; Catholic composer
73 Lao Tzu Taoism founder of Taoism
74 Voltaire raised in Jansenism;later Deistwriter and philosopher; wrote Candide
75 Johannes Kepler Lutheranastronomer; planetary motions
76 Enrico Fermi Catholicinitiated the atomic age; father of atom bomb
77 Leonhard Euler Calvinistphysicist; mathematician; differential and integral calculus and algebra
78 Jean-Jacques Rousseau born Protestant; converted as a teen to Catholic; later Deist French deistic philosopher and author
79 Nicoli Machiavelli Catholic wrote The Prince (influential political treatise)
80 Thomas Malthus Anglican (cleric) economist; wrote Essay on the Principle of Population
81 John F. Kennedy CatholicU.S. President who led first successful effort by humans to travel to another "planet"
82 Gregory Pincus Jewishendocrinologist; developed birth-control pill
83 Mani Manicheanism founder of Manicheanism, once a world religion which rivaled Christianity in strength
84 Lenin Russian Orthodox;Atheist; Marxism/CommunismRussian ruler
85 Sui Wen Ti Chinese traditional religion unified China
86 Vasco da Gama Catholic navigator; discovered route from Europe to India around Cape Hood
87 Cyrus the Great Zoroastrianism founder of Persian empire
88 Peter the Great Russian Orthodox forged Russia into a great European nation
89 Mao Zedong Atheist; Communism; Maoism founder of Maoism, Chinese form of Communism
90 Francis Bacon Anglicanphilosopher; delineated inductive scientific method
91 Henry Ford Protestant developed automobile; achievement in manufacturing and assembly
92 Mencius Confucianism philosopher; founder of a school of Confucianism
93 Zoroaster Zoroastrianism founder of Zoroastrianism
94 Queen Elizabeth I Anglican British monarch; restored Church of England to power after Queen Mary
95 Mikhail Gorbachev Russian OrthodoxRussian premier who helped end Communism in USSR
96 Menes Egyptian paganism unified Upper and Lower Egypt
97 Charlemagne Catholic Holy Roman Empire created with his baptism in 800 AD
98 Homer Greek paganism epic poet
99 Justinian I Catholic Roman emperor; reconquered Mediterranean empire; accelerated Catholic-Monophysite schism
100 Mahavira Hinduism; Jainism founder of JainismSource of list of names: Hart, Michael H.
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, Revised and Updated for the Nineties. New York: Carol Publishing Group/Citadel Press; first published in 1978, reprinted with minor revisions (reflected above) in 1992.

موجودہ تعليمي صورتحال ۽ بھتريءََ لاءِ تجويزون

عام چوَڻي آھي تـ،”جيڪڏھن ڪنھن قوم کي تباھ ڪرڻو آھي تـ ان جي تعليم تباھ ڪريو“.
ھيءُ تعليمي نظام جنھن جو بنياد انگريز حڪمرانن وڌو،ان کي پھرئين ڏينھن کان ئي اھڙو ٺاھيو ويو جو اھو فقط سرڪاري نوڪر پيدا ڪري سگھي.اھو نظام اڄ بـ اھو ساڳيو ئي ڪم ڪري رھيو آھي.
جيڪڏھن ان نظام ۾ اسان کي ڪو سائنسدان، محقق يا ڪو قابلِ تحسين ڪم ڪندڙ ماڻھو ملي ٿو تـ اھو صرف ۽ صرف پنھنجي خُداداد صلاحيتن جي بدولت اھو مقام حاصل ڪري ٿو،نـ ڪـ ھن تعليمي نظام جي ڪري. جيڪو بـ ماڻھو ھِن حقيقت جي ڄاڻ رکي ٿو ۽ پُڄي سگھي ٿو، اھو پڙھائيءَ لاءِ پنھنجي ٻارن کي ملڪ کان ٻاھر ٿو موڪلي،تـ جيئن اھي صحيح تعليم حاصل ڪري سگھن.
ايشيا جا ڪيترا ئي ملڪ جيڪي تعليم ۽ ترقيءَ ۾ اسان کا ڪافي پوئتي ھئا،اڄ اسان کان گھڻو اڳتي آھن.
موجودہ تعليمي نظام کي شايد بھتر بنائي سگھجي ھا، پر جڏھن کان ڪاپي ڪلچر جو ديوُ ھن نظام ۾ ڪاھي پيو آھي،ان جو سڌرجڻ ڏسڻ ۾ نـ پيو اچي. ڪاپي ڪلچر جو ديوُ ھن نظام ۾ ڪينسر ۽ ايڊز وارو ڪم ڪري رھيو آھي ۽ امتحانن ۾ ڪاپي ڪرائڻ ۾ معاشري جو ھر فرد؛ جھڙوڪ،والدين،استاد،شاگرد،مٽ مائٽ،دوست يار سڀ شامل آھن.اھي سڀ نـ صرف ان عمل ۾ شامل رھن ٿا، پر مادہ پرستيءَ کي ھٿي بـ ڏين ٿا ۽ ھر شيءَ کي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ غلط طريقا بـ ڏَسين ٿا.جنھن جي نتيجي ۾ اللھ جو ڊپ ۽ ان ۾ ايمان نئين نسل جي دلين مان ختم ٿيندو وڃي. ان سان گڏ نئين نسل پنھنجي خداداد صلاحيتن کان ڪم وٺڻ ڇڏي ڏنو آھي،جنھن جي نتيجي ۾ ڊگريون تـ آھن، پر علم ۽ ھنر ناھي.
ان جو اھو مطلب ھرگز اھو نـ آھي تـ اسان جي نئين نسل ۾ صلاحيتون نـ آھن، پر اھو قدرتي عمل آھي تـ،جيڪڏھن توھان پنھنجيون خداداد صلاحيتون استعمال نـ ڪندا تـ اھي زنگجي وينديون ۽ اڳيان ھلي توھان انھن کي وڃائي ويھي رھندو.
اسان جي قوم دنيا جي باصلاحيت ۽ ذھين قومن مان ھڪ آھي، پر سرڪار جي ٺاھيل غلط پاليسين جي ڪري قوم مسلسل جھالت جي پاتال ڏانھن ڪري رھي آھي ۽ شايد اھو وقت گھڻو پري نـ آھي.جو اسان دنيا جي جاھل ترين قومن ۾ پھرئين نمبر تي ھجون. سرڪار جون پاليسيون اھي ئي وڏيرا ۽ چوڌري ٺاھين ٿا،جن کي اھا چڱيءَ طرح خبر آھي تـ اگر قوم صحيح معنيٰ ۾ تعليم حاصل ڪئي تـ سندن جھڙن نا اھلن ۽ ڪَرپٽن کي سلام ڪرڻ ۽ ووٽ ڏيڻ وارو ڪير بـ نـ بچندو.
قوم جو مزاج خراب ڪرڻ ۾ مِيڊيا (ٽيليويزن چئنل، اخبارون، رسالا) جوتمام وڏو ڪردار آھي. اِھي سياستدانن ۽ آفيسر شاھي جو اصل روپ قوم جي سامھون پيش ڪري، انھن کي شيطان جي درجي تي پھچائين ٿا ۽ سڄي قوم اھو ڏسي ٿي اھي شيطان دنيا جي ھر آسائش ماڻي رھيا آھن ۽ اھي ھر قانون ۽ قاعدي کان مٿاھان آھن.پوءِ اتي قوم اھو سوچڻ شروع ٿي ڪري تـ ڇو نـ اسان بـ انھن وانگر ٿيون ۽ ھر سھولت ۽ آسائش حاصل ڪريون.
ميڊيا جي انھيءَ تشھير جي ڪري،ھر ماڻھو انھن شيطانن کي خراب چئي ٿو،پر وري ٿيڻ ائين ٿو چاھي جھڙا اھي آھن. جنھن جي نتيجي ۾ ھر عام ماڻھوءَ جي اخلاق ۾ زوال ايندو پيو وڃي. ماڻھو غلط کي غلط تـ چون ٿا،پرچاھين وري بـ غلط جھڙو ٿيڻ ٿا.جڏھن تـ حضرت محمد صليٰللھ عليہ وسلم جن جو فرمان آھي تـ ” اوھان ۾ سٺو اھو آھي،جنھن جا اخلاق سٺا آھن“
صحافي ۽ رپورٽرن ۾ بـ اھڙا ماڻھو آھن، جيڪي انھن شيطانن کي سندن ڪمزورين کي ظاھر ڪرڻ جون ڌمڪيون ڏيئي، انھن مان ذاتي فائدا حصل ڪن ٿا ( انھن صحافين ۽ رپورٽرن ۾ اڪثريت اھڙن جي آھي،جن کي سندن لاڳاپيل نيوز چئنل يا اخبار مان ڪم جو ڪو معاوضو نٿو ملي)
اھڙن صحافين ۽ رپورٽرن ۾ اڪثريت سرڪاري نوڪر استادن (پرائمري کان وٺي ڪاليج تائين) جي آھي،جيڪي ڪڏھن بـ اسڪول يا ڪاليج پڙھائڻ ڪو نـ وڃن ۽ سرڪار کان باقاعدہ ان پوسٽ جو پگھار حاصل ڪن. سندن ھيڊ ماستر يا پرنسپال جي ھِمت نـ آھي جو اِنھن کي ڊيوٽي لاءِ چوَن.
انھن سڀني ڳالھين کي صحيح ڪرڻ ۽ مسئلن کي حل ڪرڻ لاءِ سرڪار کي انتھائي سنجيدہ ٿيڻو پوندو ۽ جزا ۽ سزا جا طريقا لاڳو ڪرڻا پوندا،ڇو تـ جيستائين جزا ۽ سزا تي عمل نـ ٿيندو ماڻھو ڪونـ سڌرندا.
جيڪڏھن سڀ سياستدان،چاھي اھي سرڪاري ڌر ۾ ھجن يا حڪومت مخالف ڌر ۾، ڪرپشن، اقربا پروري، قاعدن ۽ قانون خلاف عملن کان پاسو ڪن ۽ اھليت جي بنياد تي فيصلا ڪن،تـ قوم ضرور سڌي راھ تي اچي ويندي.
منھنجي خيال ۾ تعليم کاتي بابت ذڪر ڪرڻ کان پھريائين مٿين ڳالھين جو ذڪر ڪرڻ ضروري ھو.
ھاڻ اچو تـ تعليم کاتي ۾ ٿيندڙ نا انصافين،بي واجبين،غلطين ۽ نا اھلين تي روشني وجھون.
۲۰۰۱ جي ڊِوو ليوشن پلان کان پوءِ ضلعي حڪومتون وجود ۾ آيون،ناظم آيا،نَئون نظام ٺھيو،نَيون پوسٽون وجود ۾ آيون، پر انھن کي ڀرڻ لاءِ ميرٽ جو استعمال نـ ٿيو.اسڪولن جي استادن ۽ ھيڊ ماسترن اي ڊي او،ڊي او ِ اِي ڊي او بنايو ويو، جن ڪڏھن پنھنجيون اصل ڊيو ٽيون ئي ڪونـ نڀايون، قوم جي مستقبل جون واڳون انھن جي حوالي ڪري انھن کي قوم جو ابو بنايو ويو.اھڙا ماستر جن کي انگريزي تـ ٺھيو پر سنڌي بـ لکڻ پڙھڻ نٿي اچي انھن کي اھڙن انتظامي عھدن تي رکيو ويو. جيڪي پنھنجي اسڪول کي ھلائڻ جي اھليت نٿي رکيا انھن جي حوالي ضلعي جي تعليم جون واڳون ڪيون ويون.
وري بجٽ جي نالي تي بي انتھا پئسو انھن جي حوالي ڪيو ويو. جن ماڻھن ڪڏھن زندگيءَ ھڪ لک رپيا بـ گڏ نـ ڏٺا،سي تـ ڪرپشن ۾ با قاعدي گھڙي پيا ۽ پنھنجي اختيارات جوغلط استعمال ڪندي جلد از جلد وڌ کان وڌ پيسا ميڙيا. ھي ماڻھو نـ صرف نا اھل ثابت ٿيا،پر گڏوگڏ قانونن ۽ قاعدن کان نا واقف بـ،جنھن ڪري ھنن مسلسل قاعدن ۽ قانونن جي ڀڃڪڙي ڪئي ۽ پنھنجا مفادات حاصل ڪيا. انھن استادن جي ڀرتيءَ ۾ قاعدن ۽ قانونن جي ڀڃڪڙي ڪندي ميرٽ کي نظر انداز ڪيو ۽ گھربل تعداد کان ٻيڻا ٽيڻا استاد ڀرتي ڪيا.
ان سان گڏ سَون جي تعداد ۾ استاد جيڪي ڊيوٽيون نٿا ڪن ۽ گھر ويٺي پگھار پيا کڻن،سي پنھنجي پگھار مان ڪجھ حصو انھن اي ڊي او،ڊي او ياِ اِي ڊي او کي پھچائي آرام سان زندگي بسر ڪري رھيا آھن. سا ڳيو حال ڪلارڪن،پٽيوالن ۽ ٻي غير تدريسي عملي جو آھي.جنھن جي نتيجي ۾ اسڪول ۽ آفيسون ويران لڳيون پيون آھن. انھن ماڻھن کي نـ قوم جي سوچ آھي،نـ قوم جي ٻچن جي،نـ ڊيوٽيءَ جو احساس آھي،بس اگر ڪو خيال آھي تـ اھو تـ جيترو جلدي ٿي سگھي گھڻي کان گھڻو مال ميڙيان،متان سڀاڻي ڪو ٻيو نـ ھن سيٽ تي اچي وڃي.
ھن ملڪ جو ھيءُ بگڙيل نظام ڪيئن ٿو سڌري سگھي،جتي استاد ۾ شاگرد کي تعليم ڏيڻ جي اھليت ناھي،انتظاميا ۾ انتظام ھلائڻ جي صلاحيت ناھي،نا اھل استادن ۽ انتظاميا کي ڀرتي ڪيو وڃي ٿو،جزا ۽ سزا جو تصور ختم ٿي چڪو آھي.
انتظاميا ۽ استاد، سرڪار سان گڏجي ھر وقت ھر ھنڌ اھو ئي را ڳ الاپي رھيا آھن تـ ”سڀ ڪجھ ٺيڪ آھي“.
استادن ۽ انتظاميا جا ٽريننگ پروگرام بـ پئسي ڪمائڻ جا ذريعا ٿي پيا آھن،نـ ڪـ تربيت جا.
۲۰۰۶ ۾ سيڪرٽري ايجوڪيشن ۽ لٽريسي ڊپارٽمينٽ گورنمينٽ آف سنڌ،سيد غلام علي پاشا صاحب تعليم کاتي ۾ سڌارا آڻڻ جي سلسلي ۾ انتھائي بھترين قدم کنيا،جن مان ھڪ اھو بـ ھو تـ، مئنيجمينٽ ڪيڊر کي ٽيچنگ ڪيڊر کان الڳ ڪيو وڃي. ان سلسلي ۾ ايجوڪيشن ۽ لٽريسي ڊپارٽمينٽ گورنمينٽ آف سنڌ جي طرفان لکت ۾ ھڪ ٽيسٽ ورتي وئي،جنھن ۾ ڪراچيءَ سميت پوريءَ سنڌ مان ايجوڪيشن ۽ لٽريسي ڊپارٽمينٽ گورنمينٽ آف سنڌ جي ۱۳۵۰ آفيسرن ۽ استادن (گريڊ ۱۷ کان ۲۰ تائين) حصو ورتو. انھن ۱۳۵۰ آفيسرن ۽ استادن مان صرف ۹۹ ڄڻا پاس ٿيا (مردن لاءِ پاسنگ مارڪس ۵۰ سيڪڙو ۽ عورتن لاءِ ۴۰ سيڪڙو رکيون ويون ھيون). ان کان پوءِ انھن پاس ٿيل ۹۹ ڄڻن جو انٽرويو ورتو ويو (انٽرويو وٺندڙن ۾ ۲ ايڊيشنل سيڪريٽري،۲ ڊپٽي سيڪريٽري ۽ ھڪ يو ايس ايڊ جو نمائندو شامل ھو ۽ سيڪريٽري ايجو ڪيشن بطور آبزروَر ويٺل ھو). ان انٽرويو ۾ ۶۰ ڄڻا پاس ٿيا. ھيءَ ٽيسٽ ۽ انٽرويو ۱۵ انٽر نيشنل پراجيڪٽن ۽ پروگرامن ۾ پيل خالي جڳھين کي ڀرڻ لاءِ ورتا ويا ھئا، پر ان وقت جو وزير اعليٰ ۽ وزيرِ تعليم، سيڪرٽري ايجوڪيشن ۽ لٽريسي ڊپارٽمينٽ سان متفق نـ ٿيا، جنھنڪري ھيءُ سڄو عمل بي ڪار ويو. پر ان مان ايترو ضرور ظاھر ٿيو تـ اسان وٽ ڪيڏو نـ وڏو تعداد نا اھل ماڻھن جو آھي،جيڪي پنھنجي نا اھليءَ جي با وجود مختلف اھم عھدن کي والاريو ويٺا آھن ۽ ملڪ جي خزاني کي لٽي رھيا اھن.
ان کان پوءِ انھن پروگرامن ۽ پراجيڪٽن ۾ اقربا پروري ڪندي، نا اھل ماڻھن کي ڀرتي ڪيو ويو،جنھن ڪري اھي پئسا جيڪي ملڪ جي تعليم جي بھتريءَ تي خرچ ٿين ھا،اھي ذِيان ٿي ويا.
نئين تعليمي پاليسي ۲۰۰۹، جنھن جي ٺاھڻ لاءِ ئي گورنمينٽ، ڊونر ايجنسين کان اربين رپيا ورتا آھن، ان مطابق، مئنيجمينٽ ڪيڊر کي ٽيچنگ ڪيڊر کان الڳ ڪيو ويندو.ھي نقطو نئين تعليمي پاليسيءَ ۾ بنيادي حيثيت رکي ٿو،اگر ان تي بغير اَقربا پروري ۽ رِشوَت جي عمل ٿئي تـ سڄو تعليمي نظام سڌري پوندو.
ان سلسلي ۾ انتظاميـ جي لاءِ ماڻھو چونڊڻ جا ٻـ طريقا اختيار ڪري سگھجن ٿا،ھڪ تـ سابق سيڪرٽري ايجوڪيشن ۽ لٽريسي ڊپارٽمينٽ گورنمينٽ آف سنڌ،سيد غلام علي پاشا صاحب وارو طريقو ۽ ٻيو پبلڪ سروس ڪميشن جي ذريعي.
جڏھن انتظاميـ جي لاءِ ماڻھو چونڊ ٿي وڃي تـ، انھن کان قرآن پاڪ تي حلف ورتو وڃي تـ،”اھي ڪنھن بـ قسم جي رشوت قبول نـ ڪندا، ڪنھن بـ قسم جي اقربا پروري نـ ڪندا،پنھنجي اختيارات جو ناجائز فائدو نـ وٺندا، ذاتي رنجش جي بنياد تي ڪنھن کي نقصان نـ پھچائيندا ۽ لالچ يا دَٻاءَ ۾ اچي ڪو بـ غير قانوني ڪم نـ ڪندا“.
انھن جي پوسٽنگ کان پوءِ گورنمينٽ انھن تي مستقل اَک رکي ۽ سٺي ڪارڪردگيءَ تي انھن کي شاباس، انعام يا تعريفي سَند ڏي، جڏھن تـ خراب ڪارڪردگيءَ وارن کي تنبيھ يا انتھائي غلط ڪمن تي نوڪريءَ مان نيڪالي ڏيئي ڇڏي.
گورنمينٽ انھن ڪامورن جي سھولتن جو خيال رکي، جھڙوڪـ آفيس،عملو،گاڏي،آفيس لاءِ بجٽ وغيرہ. انھن ڪامورن جا پگھار بين الاقوامي معيار جا ھجن، انھن کي سندن اضافي مھارتن جي لاءِ اضافي الائونس ڏنا وڃن.
انھن آفيسرن جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ صلاحيتون پرکڻ لاءِ ھر سال سيمينار منعقد ڪرائڻ گھرجن، جتي ھر آفيسر پنھنجي ڪارڪردگيءَ،ڪاميابين ۽ مستقبل جي پروگرامن بابت سڀني کي آگاھي ڏي. اھي پنھنجي ڪارڪردگيءَ جي رپورٽ خود پيش ڪن، تـ جيئن ٻيا آفيسر بـ ان مان سکن ۽ پنھنجي ڪم ڪرڻ جي صلاحيتن ۾ اضافو ڪن.
اھڙن سيمينارن ۾ سٺي ڪارڪردگيءَ وارن ڪامورن کي شاباس، انعام يا تعريفي سَند ڏني وڃي، جڏھن تـ خراب ڪارڪردگيءَ وارن کي تنبيھ ڪئي وڃي.اھڙن سيمينارن جي ميڊيا ذريعي تشھير ڪئي وڃي.
انھن آفيسرن جي پيشـ ورانـ صلاحيتن ۾ اضافو ڪرڻ لاءِ مسلسل ٽريننگ پروگرام رکيا وڃن، جن ۾ سال ۾ گھٽ ۾ گھٽ ۱۵ ڏينھن ھر آفيسر ٽريننگ ڪري. انھن پيشـ ورانـ تربيتي پروگرامن جا سرٽيفڪيٽ ٽيسٽ جي بنياد تي ڏنا وڃن.
ھر آفيسر کي ھڪ عھدي تي ٽن سالن تائين رکيو وڃي.ڪنھن بـ آفيسر کي سياسي اثر يا سفارش تي نـ رکيو وڃي ۽ نـ ئي بدلي ڪيو وڃي.
استادن جي ڀرتي غير مقامي،غير جانبدار ۽ پيشـ ور ڌر جي ذريعي ڪئي وڃي، جيڪا سياسي اثر کان آجي ھجي ۽ قاعدي قانون موجب ميرٽ تي ڀرتي ڪري.
استادن جي ڀرتي ڪانٽريڪٽ جي بنياد تي ھجي،جيڪا ڪارڪردگيءَ جي بنياد تي ختم يا وڌائي سگھجي.
استادن جي ڪارڪردگيءَ جي پرک، غير مقامي، غير جانبدار ۽ پيشـ ور ڌر جي ذريعي ڪئي وڃي، جيڪا سياسي اثر کان آجي ھجي.
ھي ڪجھ تجويزون تعليم جي سڌاري لاءِ آھن،جن ۾ ڪي سُڄاڻ دوست اضافو بـ ڪري سگھن ٿا.
جيڪڏھن اڃا بـ اسان پنھنجي تعليمي نظام کي درست ڪرڻ لاءِ ڪوششون نـ ورتيون تـ شايد اسان جو ايندڙ نسل دنيا جي انتھائي جاھل قومن مان ھڪ ھجي.

Current Status of Education and Suggestions for Improvement

It is a very popular quotation that,” If you want to destroy a nation, you should obliterate its Education".
Since the beginning of this Educational system, British rulers (who formulated this system in subcontinent India) organized this system in such a way that, this system could only produce the GOVERNMENT SERVANTS, which is alive till today with all of its vigour.
If there is an example of any Scientist, Schollar or note able person, it is because of its divine qualities, not due this educational system. Any body who knows this reality, he/she sends his/her children abroad for real education.
Perhaps this present Educational system could improve, but since this monster of cheating (Copy culture in examinations) has been injected in this system, it does not seem to be improved. This monster is working like CANCER and AIDS. In this cheating system of examination, the whole nation is involved. (Society, media persons, parents, teachers)
These all not only encourage and strengthen this process of cheating, but they also strengthen the materialism and build the mind to get every thing by any means. (Faith in God is continuously weakling)
Due to this, our new generation has stopped to use its divine capabilities, which results DEGREES without knowledge and Skills.
This does not mean that, our new generation is talent less, but it is divine rule that, if you stop to use your God gifted capabilities, they are rusted and in future you lose that capability.
Our nation is one of the talentd, capable and intelligent nations of the world, but due to the Government policies (which is always made by feudal lords, which never want the educated nation, because if nation is educated, it will never vote and salute such culprits), this nation is falling down continuously to words the bottom of all the nations.
Media (News Channels on TV, Newspapers, and Magazines), are playing a vital role for the decline of moral values in common people. They present the political persons and Bauru crates as SATAN.
And people see that, these SATANs have all the luxuries of the life and they are above the law, so why don’t we do the same and have all those facilities which these SATANs have.
Due to this propaganda, every common person says BAD to all these SATANs, but actually, they try to become just like them, this causes moral decline in Common people.
People say "NEGATIVE" to NEGATIVE, but do the same as those NEGATIVES.
The journalists and reporters, who expose the weaknesses of these SATANs, they blackmail these SATANs, by offering them, NOT TO EXPOSE all their Sins. These journalists and reporters gain personal benefits along with financial benefits from these SATANs. (Because majority of them do not get any remuneration from their News Channel or Newspaper)
A lot of these journalists and reporters are GOVERNMENT TEACHERS (PST to College Lecturer), which never go to their school or college, but draw the salaries continuously from Government.
NO ONE has the courage to bring them to duty.
To correct all these matters and solve these problems, Government can play the vital role.
If all the politicians of Government side and Opposition side avoid the corruption, favouritsm, nepotism, abide the law, and take decisions on merit, this will definitely bring the whole nation on righteous path.
In my view, to express the above background was very necessary to talk about educational status and improvement.
Now we will discuss about the Injustice, blunders and incompetence in Education Department.
After the devolution plan in 2001, District Government established, NAZIMs came, new setup was developed and new posts were created; but NO MERIT was used to fill them.
School teachers and Head Masters were posted on the posts of EDO, DOE and ADOEs, who NEVER performed their duties on their original posts, became FATHER OF THE NATION.
Who which had NO CAPABILITY to run their schools, were selected to drive the District Education Department. Further more they were awarded with extraordinary huge amount of money in shape of BUDGET for development and office use, these people who never ever saw hundred thousand at a time in life, so they fell down in full corruption and misused their powers to earn MORE money.
These people were not only incompetent, but they had NO SENSE of rule and regulations. They continuously violated and violating the laws and rules to make money quickly.
They appointed the teachers (PST, JST, HST) without merit and in excess, who do not perform their duties, but only draw the salaries from Government, these teacher pay a part of their salaries to these EDOs, DOEs and ADOEs.
These EDOs, DOEs and ADOEs formulated VISA policy, according to which hundreds of teachers are working on derailment, which never perform their duties but give some amount of their salaries to these EDOs, DOEs and ADOEs as VISA fee. (Empty Schools, Closed Schools)
No thought of Nation, No consideration for the future of the children, no sense of duty, but there is only one contemplation that, how to be rich by unfair means and how to get unclean money.
Where teachers are not capable to deliver any thing to students, Administration is not capable to manage the things, Low performance or No performance teachers and administrators are posted/appointed.
There is NO CHECK BALANCE, every body (Teachers and Administrators) are singing only one song continuously” ALL IS WELL”. This leads to complete disaster of Education.
Training programs have become formalities to gain money only (Beneficiaries are, Project Directors and concern staff of that project, Master Trainers and Participants).
No body is trying to gain Knowledge, if a third party evaluate these training programs/ projects; it will find that, this exercise is only for gaining the money, not for knowledge.
In 2006 the Secretary Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh, Sayed Ghulam Ali Pasha took the best effort, to separate the management cadre from teaching cadre.
He conducted a test in writing, 1350 Government officers of Grade 17-20 working under Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh participated in that test.
Out of 1350 Government officers of Grade 17-20, only 99 passed (passing marks were 50% for Males and 40% for Females).
After that, 60 Officer were declared as successful in verbal interview. (2 Additional Secretaries, 2 Deputy Secretaries, One representative of USAID and Secretary Education were getting the Interview)
That test was conducted to fill different posts in 15 projects and programs, but the Chief Minister and Minister for Education (of that time) did not agree with Secretary Education, so that whole the exercise vanished badly).
After that, those post were filled with the Non eligible persons with the recommendation of Chief Minister, Minister of Education and the collation partners of Government. (Favouritism).The same policy is still continued.
According to New Educational Policy 2009, it is decided that, the Teaching and Management cadre will be separated; this is very essential point of this new policy, if it is implemented (without any favouritis, nepotism and bribe) the whole system will be saved.
To select the people for Management and Administration, Government can follow the path of Ex- Secretary Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh, Sayed Ghulam Ali Pasha or can appoint through public service commission.
Before getting the posting orders all the successful candidates should take oath on Holy Quran that,” they will not get any type of BRIBE, they will not do any type of favouritism, they will not misuse their powers to harm any person due to personal grievances, and they will not perform any illegal action on the basis of pressure or greed".
After their posting Government should watch their activities continuously and award the good performance officers, while bad performance officers should be sent to their original postings with warning or terminated from service.
Every good work of the officers should be supported, appreciated and acknowledged.
Government should take care of the facilities of officers (Office, Staff, Vehicle, contingency budget etc)
The salary and allowances officers should meet International Standard.
Additional allowances should be paid to these officers for their additional skills.
To evaluate the performance of the officers, seminars should be conducted on year basis, where every officer would present his/her plans, efforts and achievements.
They should present their reports by themselves, so that other officers can improve their performance and learn from each other.
Good performance officers should be awarded (shields and cash prize), while bad performance officers should be warned.
To improve and enhance the capabilities of the officers’ compulsory training programs should be conducted continuously, so that they can deliver better in field. (Certificates of the course may be awarded on test basis)
Every officer may be posted on a post for at least three years, until he/she does not do any wrong thing.
No officer should be posted on political basis, nor replaced.
Recruitment of teachers may be through a non-local, neutral, Professional third party; free from political influence, which will definitely recruit the teachers on merit basis and according to the rules.
Teachers’ recruitment should be on contract basis, which can be regularized after three years on basis of good performance.
The attendance and performance of all the teachers may be checked by a non local, neutral, Professional third party free from political influence.
If still we do not take any effort to correct our Educational System, we will definitely become the most illiterate and worst nation of the world.